A podcast

Promoting, Amplifying & Learning from Female Voices

in Film.

*Note from Host Sam Wren Vincent

The purpose of Babe Forward Pod is for women to connect and share their stories about their work in the narrative/creative arts. I’ve found that it’s essential for women to share their stories with each other in order to strengthen their work and expand their influence. In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben shares a powerful picture of how forests survive and thrive through their root communication network. Similarly I’ve found that women sharing their stories creates a network of strength for their work and influence to thrive and grow.

I’ve also been motivated to start this journey into the world of podcasts simply because I want to learn from those who have inspired me. I enjoy nothing more than hearing the story of how people have kept at it and kept going to pursue the work they are dedicated to do.

Sam Wren Vincent


I’m an actor and disability inclusion advocate. My passion drives from my experience as an adoptive mother to my beautiful daughter who happens to be my biological niece and was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at birth.

My journey into motherhood ultimately led me back to my art as an actor when I began to rediscover how telling stories is the most powerful way to enact change, especially in the pursuit of making the world a more inclusive place for my daughter. From individuals to international policy, a story must be told in order for change to be achieved.

So join me on the podcast to change the world, one conversation at a time, as we share, listen to and amplify female voices in film.


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